
Friday 7 October 2011

Bye Bye Blogger?

As were seeing we don't have very many followers on here, so were creating a new website! We'll post the details on here as of when, but we'd like to thank everyone would participated in making Shh Style such fun! thank you xo

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Smokin' baby!

Today I tried something new, a softer smokey eye. I love this look and intend to do it more. Tell me what you think

my right eye looks slightly lazy here, its not honestly

can't resist a smile!

  1. First, I covered my eye lid with compact powder.
  2. take a brown eye liner pencil and rim your bottom lashes softly
  3. coat your bottom lashes with mascara
  4. take your brown eye liner pencil again and draw a soft line just above your top lashes,
  5. then take a black kohls eye liner pencil and coat over the brown liner (this doesn't have to be perfect)
  6. take a dark brown eye shadow colour and start sweeping it into the centre crease of the lid, starting from the outer corners  (I am using Front Cover Eye Spy, colour: Iron Stone)
  7. keep blending so the shadow is not heavy (don't not apply heavy shadow to the inner corners of the eyes, keep them lighter)
  8. take your eye liner and fill in any gaps
  9. curl and coat your lashes with 4/5 coats of mascara

I like to keep the rest of my make up soft and natural because I like the eyes to be the statement. I don't apply heavy blusher and I like to keep my lips natural with a hint of pink.

Saturday 24 September 2011

I love surprise meals!

After my stressful Friday I popped in to see Nan and Grandad and my Auntie and 2 cousins come down too! On a spur of the moment event we decided to go out for a low key meal! It was lovely, I love good surprises, and it made my Friday! Happy Days!

Here's a picture of me and my lovely cousin Lucy,
Gorgeous Lucy

A lovely Friday afternoon surprise with some of the family

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Find my Follow button!

Please tell all your friends to follow me! I need my followers! Thank you :) xo

Bestest friend!

Honestly, this past week I don't know where I'd be without my best friend Ryan! he's been amazing and kept me strong! Love for him! :)
Partying with Ryan!

Best friends at prom

Thursday 15 September 2011

Feeling ill :(

Feeling ill today :( always the worse days! :( There's nothing worse than pushing yourself to cope with something day in day out that is close to unbearable. It breaks my heart. I pray that soon I will finally get some help. Here's a clip so you can understand what I go through on a daily basis. My condition is actually a lot worse than how it is described in this video. :(

Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot.  ~Dutch Proverb, sometimes attributed to William C. Hazlitt

Photos are lovely

Today, I planned to take some new photos and surprisingly they've turned out well. Take a look :)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Im camera crazy!

Does anyone else share my passion for camera crazy?! I'm never short of unexpected snaps at every opportunity, as much as this frustrates everyone else around me, I love it! I believe you can't ever have enough crazy memories, and snips and snaps catch that exactly. So.. expect to see hundreds of photos on here, I hope you understand my passion. xo

Whats next?

Today, I've been thinking about careers and how I really don't know what I want to do next?! I see all of my friends have gone to college and are studying hard, while I'm too ill too.. I'm the most indecisive person you'll probably ever meet, so.. you can follow this blog for the next year and chances are, I still wouldn't have made my mind up! If you come up with any good suggestions in the meantime, feel free to enlighten me! haha, your sincerely, indecisive. :) xo

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Looking back.. 2006

Wow, feels like so long ago!.. 2006, I started secondary school.. and I just recently found the picture, so I thought it would only be right to share it with you. So little!
2006, so long ago!

This makes me feel so proud!

Looking back at this photo makes me feel so proud!
After months of do I?-don't I? I decided to go to prom, with my 'bargain dress' and unplanned hair.. I felt completely unprepared. The other girls looked lovely and spent so much money on their dresses and I spent £40?!?! (I know, ..what?!?!) some how, staff voted me 'Prom Princess!' ... much to my surprise.. I was delighted and honoured! And looking back at photos make me smile :D .. So, if I can do it.. anyone can!

More followers please

Hey guys, another small request.. Can I get as many followers as possible please! Spread the word! I promise to keep you all interested! :) xo


Hello world!! Ive officially started my new blog! (squeals) after a hard few months I've learnt I need something new to concentrate on. Now, you can follow what I'm up too! I'm sure I'll be sharing all sorts of whacky, cool, boring and random stuff with you. So I hope you enjoy it as much as I will! So.. Buckle up and hold tight and get ready to watch me unfold my complicated journey! Woo! Let's get started! ... HELLO WORLD!! :) xo